As part of the Public Policy Institute’s focus on preventing and ending poverty, we target one of the root causes (and results) of lack of income and connectedness: substance misuse.
Uniquely, we don’t offer treatment or recovery services. Instead, we look at the "upstream" factors that can lead to substance misuse disorders and focus our intention there. In that way, we try to prevent substance misuse from ever taking hold. We look at risk factors in neighborhoods, mass media messaging, opportunities for young people to learn and thrive, and supports for families, educators, human services professionals, and young people themselves.
We firmly believe that prevention works. After all, if young people live in a safe and supportive neighborhood, understand the harms caused by substance abuse, are given the tools to make healthy decisions, and feel a sense of self-worth, dignity, and hope, their risk of becoming entangled in substance use and misuse decreases. Not only does prevention help individuals, but it also plays a role in promoting healthy communities, positive family relationships, and more promising futures. What’s more, prevention is more cost-effective (and less traumatic) than investing in recovery and treatment from substance use disorders.
We provide prevention services in a variety of ways:
- Directly intervening with vulnerable individuals who are more likely to engage in a negative behavior
- Targeting entire communities that show a higher level of unhealthy activities or environments, for example, through public awareness campaigns using posters, social media, billboards, and public service announcements
- Participating in coalitions made up of allied organizations to broaden community engagement
- Distributing grant awards and providing training and support to local organizations

Here’s how we do it:
Established in 2011, the RISE Drug Free MKE coalition (formerly MCSAP) exists to raise awareness to elevate youth in Milwaukee County through education, and to lift the entire community out of harms caused by substance use. With our coalition partners we will RISE to provide youth with Resources for Inclusive Substance Education. RISE is more than a name: It is a call to action, and a promise of the direction we’re moving in as a community, together.
RISE Drug Free MKE prioritizes policies, practices, and programs that address major substance use issues in our community, including marijuana use among youth, problematic drinking, and prescription drug (mis)use.
In 2013, Community Advocates Inc. was awarded the Milwaukee County contract to serve as fiscal agent for the continuing work of RISE Drug Free MKE/MCSAP and the prevention sub-granting process. Since then, technical assistance and staffing has intensified and the coalition has grown to include more than 50 members from a diverse cross-section of the Milwaukee County community—with 15 of the 50 as highly engaged “voting members” helping to lead the coalition.
2024 Impact
- 785 students participated in Botvin LifeSkills sponsored by the coalition
- 2,053 people were provided with substance use prevention information by the coalition
- 940 people participated in healthy, substance-free activities sponsored by the coalition
- 26,320 reached on RISE Drug Free MKE's social media pages
Coalition members and partners conducted an assessment throughout Milwaukee County of shops that sell alcohol or tobacco/nicotine so we can better understand how these products are being marketed and sold, especially to our youth.
Visit the RISE Drug Free MKE website here
53206 Drug-Free Communities Project: The 53206 Drug-Free Communities Project aims to reduce youth alcohol and marijuana use in 53206 neighborhoods by middle and high school-age students. The 53206 DFC aims to promote positive youth development and resilience in the neighborhood and support youth and families to thrive through DFC activities and by partnering with established community organizations. PPI coordinates and staffs this collaborative project. Among its initiatives are:
- Conducting youth drug awareness surveys to understand young people’s attitudes toward and knowledge of alcohol and other substances
- Helping to organize RISE Drug Free MKE'S annual youth summits
- Working with community partners to conduct retail assessments on the marketing and sales of tobacco, e-cigarettes, alcohol, and food
- Partnering with the Milwaukee Police Department to conduct youth alcohol compliance checks in neighborhood shops
Sober Truth On Preventing Underage Drinking (STOP) Act is a supplemental component of DFC that focuses on alcohol prevention through a media campaign and environmental change strategies. The 53206 DFC is utilizing the STOP Act grant by learning more about the availability of alcohol to minors living in the 53206 neighborhoods.
Interested in learning more about the 53206 Drug-Free Communities Project? Contact Kari Southern at ksouthern@communityadvocates.net.
City of Milwaukee Tobacco-Free Alliance: This city-wide coalition is dedicated to reducing the death and disease caused by commercial tobacco use and exposure in the City of Milwaukee. The Alliance focuses primarily on youth tobacco prevention, smoke-free housing, and reducing/eliminating commerical tobacco use and exposure. The Alliance is especially interested in the impact of vaping on youth and the exposure of youth to tobacco marketing and sales.
Interested in learning more about the City of Milwaukee Tobacco-Free Alliance? Contact Charlie Leonard at cleonard@communityadvocates.net

Alliance for Wisconsin Youth: PPI administers the Southeast Region of the Alliance for Wisconsin Youth coalition to coordinate and provide technical support to coalitions across eight counties in Southeast Wisconsin. AWY enhances the capacity of member coalitions to prevent substance abuse and support an ATODA-free lifestyle for youth. Coalitions pursue projects related to alcohol and drug prevention education, drug collection programs, parent education, compliance checks, public awareness campaigns, social host outreach to parents, outreach to retailers, public policy advocacy, and more.
Want to learn more about the Alliance for Wisconsin Youth? Contact Hannah Lepper at hlepper@communityadvocates.net.

Milwaukee Brighter Futures is a network of agencies that are committed to substance use prevention and positive youth development strategies in Milwaukee. We provide fiscal oversight, coordination, and training and technical assistance to The Parenting Network, Neu Life Community Development, Milwaukee Christian Center, United Community Center, Pathfinders, PEARLS for Teen Girls, and Big Brothers Big Sisters of Metro Milwaukee.
Our Bureau of Milwaukee Child Welfare project re-grants funds to evidence-based programs to reduce substance use in adolescents and parents/caregivers through the evidence-based Botvin LifeSkills Curriculum.
Want to learn more about Milwaukee Brighter Futures Initiative? Contact Hannah Lepper at hlepper@communityadvocates.net.