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What We Do

Milwaukee Family Intervention Services (MFIS)

Milwaukee Family Intervention Services (MFIS) is a case management program serving Milwaukee County residents in need of intervention services for their family. MFIS is specifically for caregivers and youth  experiencing mental health issues, behavioral concerns, truancy, educational concerns and CHIPS/JIPS petitions.

Services are intended for parents, legal guardians or other adults providing primary care for youth. You must have one or more children ages 10-17 to participate.

Families who are enrolled will participate in Parenting with Love and Limits (PLL) intervention services. This includes family and group sessions with a Therapeutic Intervention Specialist and Family Support Specialist.

All MFIS services are provided free of charge to the family.

Please complete the intake form below to find out if you are eligible for MFIS. 

For questions or help completing the intake form, call 414-949-3497.

MFIS Intake Form: Find Out If You Are Eligible

Please complete the questions below.

If you need assistance completing the intake or need additional information

please call our intake specialist at 414-949-3497.

Para completar el formulario de admisión al MFIS en español, haga clic aquí.

Tell us about your child or children.

First Name *
Last Name *
Youth 1 Race (Check all that apply)
Youth 1 Ethnicity
Youth 2 Sex
Youth 2 Race (Check all that apply)
Youth 2 Ethnicity
Youth 3 Sex
Youth 3 Race (Check All that Apply)
Youth 3 Ethnicity
Youth 4 Gender
Youth 4 Race (Check All that Apply)
Youth 4 Ethnicity

Tell us about the child who needs services through MFIS.

Does this youth have an IEP?

Tell us about the family.

First Name *
Last Name *
Parent/Caregiver 1 Gender
Parent/Caregiver 1 Race (Check All that Apply)
Parent/Caregiver 1 Ethnicity
Parent/Caregiver 2 Gender
Parent/Caregiver 2 Race (Check All that Apply)
Parent/Caregiver 2 Ethnicity
Does anyone at home speak English?
Address Line 1 *
City *
State/Province *
Postal Code *
When is the best time to reach you?
Are you comfortable having MFIS staff in your home?
Do you have pets in your home?

Please provide any additional details about the youth and family's situation.

Does the youth have a Probation Officer or are they involved withother Children's Court services?
Does the youth have a worker with Child Protective Services?
Are you currently enrolled in the Stronger Families Milwaukee program?
Is the youth or their sibling(s) enrolled in Wraparound Services (CCS, O-YEAH, REACH, CORE)?
Has the youth or their sibling(s) had a prior MFIS or FISS assessment?
Is the family interested in therapeutic support services/counseling?
What is the youth's eWISACWIS status?
Have you already filed a JIPS/CHIPS petition?
If no, are you interested in a referral to JIPS/CHIPS petition?

Please tell us about your insurance coverage. 

Do you have insurance coverage?
Do you have T19 (BadgerCare Plus/Medicaid/MA) or private insurance coverage?



Thank you for completing the intake form for Milwaukee Family Intervention Services. An Intake Specialist will contact you to confirm you are eligible for services.