Stay Strong MKE RFP Proposals Due

The Community Advocates Public Policy Institute invites proposals from not-for-profit organizations or government entities servicing Milwaukee County to provide programming and services directed toward the prevention of alcohol and other drug use and misuse among Milwaukee County residents of all ages.
Funding is made available through the Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division. Substance use and misuse have broad and significant impacts on the overall health and wellbeing of all Milwaukee County residents. The economic and health costs of substance abuse are substantial. The most effective way to address these issues is to prevent them.
The Community Advocates Public Policy Institute will allocate approximately $300,000 in AODA (Alcohol and Drug Abuse) prevention funding in 2024 based on this Request for Proposal’s competitive application process. It is estimated that 10 projects will be funded with a maximum grant award of $30,000.
The deadline to apply is 4 p.m. on February 29, 2024.