Light & Unite Red Week (March 26 - April 1) returned with the most events and agencies involved in promoting health and wellness throughout Milwaukee County. Numerous business and organizations committed to lighting up red in order to shine a spotlight on the importance of substance use awareness education. Buildings such as Fiserv Forum and the City of Franklin City Hall area were just a few to shine bright in support of LUR week.
MCSAP organized a number of events throughout the week, including bowling night and skating night, to bring families together to enjoy a healthy activity while educating them on health and wellness and providing helpful resources.
Partner agencies, such as Volition Franklin, Owen's Place, Neighborhood House and more, provided creative events and outlets such as poetry workshops, art workshops, Grab & Go's, community discussions and more for youth and their families.
MCSAP's Coordinator, Alexandria Kohn, was very pleased with the success of Light & Unite Red week. "Light & Unite Red Week this year was absolutely great!” she said. “We had more than 15 events across the county from partnering organizations. MCSAP is glad we are here to make a positive impact on our community. I can't wait for next year."
Thank you to all families, partners and agencies for participating in Light & Unite Red week by sharing their experiences and resources, hosting workshops and events, and teaching youth and their families the importance of drug- and alcohol-free living.