Community Advocates Public Policy Institute's 15th Anniversary Celebration: Sponsorship Opportunities

As a critical stakeholder in the community and partner working to address these important issues, we ask you to please consider joining us in supporting this event through a sponsorship commitment as described below. We are grateful for your support and look forward to partnering with you to inspire changes that will make Milwaukee a national leader in addressing the opioid crisis.
VIP Ticket: Includes a copy of Fentanyl, Inc., and a meet and greet with author Ben Westhoff prior to the main event
Tier 1 - $5,000 (Partner Sponsorship)
- 8 VIP event tickets
- 2 VIP parking spots at event
- Organization reserved table at event
- Opportunity to introduce speaker at event
- Opportunity to have a committed table at the event with company materials
- Prominent identification on all press releases any media coverage
- Verbal recognition as event partner sponsor
- Company name and logo on event announcements, e-mail blasts, CA event web page and all monthly newsletters leading up to the event
- Company name recognition on social media with link to company site
- Company name recognition on day-of event materials
Tier 2 - $3,500 (Ally Sponsor)
- 4 VIP event tickets
- 4 general admission to main event tickets
- Ability to share company materials at event
- Verbal recognition as event ally sponsor
- Company name and logo on event announcements, e-mail blasts, CA event web page and all monthly newsletters leading up to the event
- Company name recognition on social media with link to company site
- Company name recognition on day-of event materials
Tier 3 - $2,500 (Advocate Sponsor)
- 2 VIP event tickets
- 4 general admission to main event tickets
- Verbal recognition as the advocate sponsor
- Company name and logo on event announcements, e-mail blasts, CA event web page and all monthly newsletters leading up to the event
- Company name recognition on social media with link to company site
- Company name recognition on day-of event materials
Tier 4 - $1,000 (Contributing Sponsor)
- 4 general admission main event tickets
- Name on CA event web page
- Name recognition on social media with link to company site
- Name recognition on day-of event materials
Name your sponsorship! – Please contact Kari Southern @ 262-424-4119 for this option.