Community Advocates' leadership created the Public Policy Institute in 2008 to address the root causes of poverty through policy advocacy and community collaboration on economic and public health issues.
Community Advocates' leadership created the Public Policy Institute in 2008 to address the root causes of poverty through policy advocacy and community collaboration on economic and public health issues.
Our projects seek to empower low-income communities in Milwaukee and throughout Wisconsin by developing nonpartisan public policy, building community coalitions, and preventing the root causes of poverty before they cause harm to individuals, families, and the community.
We are building the technical expertise of local human services professionals and interested community members through a variety of training opportunities focused on substance abuse, mental health, and coalition building.
Our calendar is full of training opportunities, coalition meetings, conversations, and outreach events.
We want to hear from you! Connect with us anytime and join our community, request a speaker, ask for resources, or learn more about our work.
Help us engage with the community on policy and prevention projects. Become a PPI Member today!
Community Advocates’ Milwaukee Property Tax Appeals Project draws on Professor Bernadette Atuahene's scholarship and leadership, to the benefit of many struggling Milwaukee homeowners.
We’re delighted to shine a light on Pathfinders Milwaukee, which is a founding member of the PPI Members Network. For more than 50 years, Pathfinders has served youth and young adults who are hard to reach and often have nowhere else to turn.
On December 7, a group of Promotores gathered to participate in a healing circle that drew on traditional practices that have been handed down through the generations, as well as the very modern practice of creating personal vision boards for the year ahead.